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December 22, 2020

Rebuilding My Website with the TEA Stack

In this post I talk about the goals I had for the website rebuild, and how I used the TEA Stack to make it happen.


Why Redesign?

As a web developer, your personal site is a reflection of yourself and your skill set. I was proud of my previous iteration, but I knew it could be better. I found it was lacking in a few key areas:

In hindsight, I am certain that prospective clients visited my site, saw very little imagery or proof of my skills, and bounced.

Requirements and Goals

I had a few key goals in mind when I began the new iteration:

How I Built This

I pulled together a collection of awesome tools to make this site awesome. I call this set of tools the TEA Stack (patent pending 😉). The TEA stack includes TailwindCSS, Eleventy, and AlpineJS. If you have not already, I suggest you give each of these tools a try. When combined, they are insanely powerful and delightful to work with.

I built a starter template repository on GitHub, so if you're looking to jump right into the stack, give it a spin and let me know how it goes!


Tailwind is a phenomenal framework and I have far too many good things to say about it. This site is styled almost entirely by utility classes, with the minor exception of syntax highlighting and global defaults.

With the help of Tailwind, I was able to build this entire site with only five postcss files. This keeps my project scaffolding much leaner, while also allowing me to both build and style the site within my templates.

For example, here is a brief snippet of the hero element on this very page:

<section class="gradient-purple text-white py-8 lg:py-16">
<div class="container max-w-screen-md mx-auto text-center">
<p class="uppercase font-bold text-indigo-300 text-sm">{{ date | prettyDate }}</p>
<h1 class="mt-2 text-2xl sm:text-3xl font-bold leading-none">
{{ title }}
<p class="mt-4 text-sm sm:text-base text-indigo-100">{{ excerpt }}</p>
<span class="w-full h-12 block gradient-purple text-gray-100">
{% include 'icons/waves.svg' %}

Tailwind Plugins

TailwindCSS has some fantastic plugins, from both the community and Tailwind Labs, that make life so much easier.

At the time of writing this, I am using these two great packages:


All pages on this site are truly statically generated at build time with Eleventy. What I mean by truly is that there is no pre-rendering, rehydrating, or any other funny business going on here.

Don't get me wrong, I think projects like Next, Gatsby, Nuxt, and Sapper are great. However, I believe the SSG aspects of these projects have major problems. Build times are atrocious, and the client-side JS bundles are massive even for tiny websites.

Here's a look at the result from running npm run build:11ty on my site:

Copied 1 item and Processed 11 files in 0.38 seconds

No JavaScript, no frameworks, just raw HTML.

But now you don't get those dope page transitions that feel like an app!

Wrong! Turbolinks can provide this functionality for us. Adding this to your bundle will grant you buttery smooth page transitions for quite the bargain:

# package-size is a fantastic tool to quickly check filesize
npx package-size turbolinks

package size minified gzipped
turbolinks@5.2.0 39.79 KB 37.78 KB 8.74 KB

Eleventy allows for a markdown-powered website, exposes a fantastic API for passing data to templates, and makes it crazy simple to add custom filters, plugins, and so much more.

Eleventy Plugins


This project contains one JavaScript file. That file looks like this:

// This passes all postcss files through rollup and out into a single css file
import './main.pcss'

// Import and auto-initialize both Alpine and Turbolinks
import 'alpinejs'
import 'turbolinks'

That's right. All of the functionality on my site, like the mobile navigation and the year in the footer, are written in the template files.

Take a look at the code in my footer to update the year client-side:

x-text="`Waler Media LLC | © ${new Date().getFullYear()}`"

Or maybe the button code to toggle the mobile nav:

<button @click="mobileNav = !mobileNav" class="w-6 h-6 md:hidden">
<span x-show="!mobileNav">
{% include 'icons/menu.svg' %}
<span x-show="mobileNav">
{% include 'icons/close.svg' %}

With some vue-esque directives and custom attributes, I've got all the logic I need, and that logic is contained in the template file itself. So sexy.


The design, tools, and stack was derived from a bunch of great tools and sites I follow very closely. I would feel like I am plaigerizing if I didn't devote a section on this post to point to things that helped bring this site to life:

Peep The Source

My website's source code will always be public on GitHub, so feel free to poke around yourself to see how things work! Some of the content in this post may not be 100% up-to-date, so check that out if you're feeling curious!

Thanks for reading, and as always, stay sexy.

let isSiteAwesome = false

function contactAlec(message) {
return alert(message)

if (!isSiteAwesome) {
return contactAlec("Let's work together!")

Do you want something new and fresh?

Don't get Bored with a project you don't love. I can refresh, or just rebuild you a new website that will knock your socks off.
