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January 7, 2021

Stop using css variables in media queries

Using clamp(), min() or max() instead of CSS Variables in Media Queries still makes a great responsive UX with a lot less code


In the past any time I started a project one of the first things I tent to do was to define my cssVariables file in my packages lib folder.

In this post I wanna emphasize how beneficial this is for your application. As an example, we will defined gap units in Media Queries.

My file would normally have contained some information like this 👇🏻

// packages/lib/styles/global.ts

export const cssVariables = `
:root {
--gap-unit-xs: 0.5rem;
--gap-unit-sm: 1rem;
--gap-unit-md: 2rem;
--gap-unit-lg: 4rem;
--gap-unit-xl: 6rem;
--grid-gap-unit: 10px;

--gap: var(--gap-unit-xs);
--gap-bottom-element: var(--gap-unit-sm);
--gap-bottom-container: var(--gap-unit-lg);

${getMQ('small-up')} {
--gap: var(--gap-unit-sm);

${getMQ('tablet')} {
--gap: var(--gap-unit-md);
--gap-bottom-element: var(--gap-unit-md);

${getMQ('desktop')} {
--grid-gap-unit: 20px;
--gap: var(--gap-unit-lg);


${getMQ('panorama')} {
--grid-gap-unit: 40px;
--gap-bottom-container: var(--gap-unit-xl);

After that setup, it becomes very easy to apply a standard responsive spacing unit on every device.

For example if you have a SectionHeader component, this is how I go about having the text well spaced and structured.

import * as React from 'react';
import { css } from '@emotion/react';
import { getMQ } from '@lib/styles';

const styles = {
root: css`
margin-bottom: var(--gap-bottom-container);

.label {
font-weight: 700;
text-transform: uppercase;
margin-bottom: var(--gap-bottom-element);

.subtitle {
color: var(--c-neutral);
margin-bottom: var(--gap-bottom-element);

interface SectionHeaderProps {
label: JSX.Element;
subtitle: JSX.Element;
const SectionHeader: React.FC<SectionHeaderProps> = ({ label, subtitle }) => (
<div css={styles.root}>
<h2 className="label">{label}</h2>
<p className="subtitle small">{subtitle}</p>

export default SectionHeader;

👋🏻 clamp(), min() and max() functions to the rescue

It is time to welcome the new utility functions.

Instead of the media queries mess, we can now achieve the same responsivenes with the min() function.

The min() function takes two parameters or more: a minimum value and a maximum allowed value, but you can put more arguments into these functions. Except for the clamp() function which always takes three arguments.

// packages/lib/styles/global.ts

export const cssVariables = `
:root {
--gap-unit-xs: 0.5rem;
--gap-unit-sm: 1rem;
--gap-unit-md: 2rem;
--gap-unit-lg: 4rem;
--gap-unit-xl: 6rem;
--grid-gap-unit: min(10px, 20px);

--gap: min(var(--gap-unit-xs), 6vw, var(--gap-unit-xl));
--gap-bottom-element: min(var(--gap-unit-sm), 8vw, var(--gap-unit-md));
--gap-bottom-container: min(var(--gap-unit-lg), 12vw, var(--gap-unit-xl));

And that is it 🎉 Hopefully now you will find the code cleaner and easier to read as I do.

<br />

let isSiteAwesome = false

function contactAlec(message) {
return alert(message)

if (!isSiteAwesome) {
return contactAlec("Let's work together!")

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